30 Mar, Sunday
13 Apr, Sunday
27 Apr, Sunday

Care & Prayer

Carry each other's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.

360 Care is a ministry created to care for those within the family of 360 Church in those seasons of life that can be challenging and overwhelming. Galatians 6:2 says, “Carry each other’s burdens and in this way fulfill the law of Christ.” Life can have its highs and lows, but no matter what, we are better when we work together.


We connect people in need with people who have the ability to meet their needs.

360 Care takes people within our church and breaks them down into two primary categories, Needs and Haves. In life at any given time there are people who are in Need and there are people who Have the ability to help those in Need. By placing people within these two categories, we have created the unique opportunity to match up those in Need with those who Have. The person in the Have category now begins to step into the life of the person in Need. This is where the relational connection and support of carrying one another’s burdens begins. This intentionality propels us beyond the ordinary relational connection and opens the door for people to be seen, heard, and known.

Take Action

Learn more about how you can partner with us to help your church family.

It’s one thing to read the description above but maybe you’re asking yourself so what do I do next? You can submit our 360 Care form by clicking this link. This form will walk you through the process of letting our 360 Care team know that you are either in Need or you Have the ability to help another person. We have provided some examples of both Needs and Haves to help you get started.

Examples of Haves & Needs


  • Grief
  • Marriage Difficulty
  • Financial
  • Home Repairs
  • and more…
  • Handyman Skills
  • Gift of Hospitality
  • Home/Hospital Visits
  • Overcame an Addiction
  • Providing Meals

Care & Prayer Team
