Exponential 2024 Orlando

Dominican Republic 2024

360 Missions

...from our corner to the corners of the world

Our heart beats to the rhythm of relational intentionality, inspired by a divine call to truly see, hear, and know those whom God places along our path. Our vision is not just a statement—it’s a movement, aiming to replicate a culture of deep, meaningful connections from our corner to every corner of the globe.

At the core of our mission, we are propelled by the belief that through genuine relationships, we can make a significant impact in the lives of individuals and communities alike.

This belief is manifested through our three strategic areas of focus: Global Missions, Local Missions Partners, Global Strategic Partners.

SmallCircle Global

Global Missions:

Leveraging the innovative tools provided by smallcircle.com, we are dedicated to nurturing one-to-one discipleship on a global scale. Our mission extends beyond borders, reaching out to connect individuals worldwide in a web of spiritual growth and mentorship. We empower individuals to replicate this culture of discipleship, creating ripples that extend to the farthest reaches of the earth.

Local Missions Partners:

Recognizing the power of community and the impact of sustained, in-depth relationships, our strategy is deeply rooted in building long-term partnerships with local missions. These alliances are designed to foster greater spiritual depth with organizations who have a similar heart for discipleship in a much smaller mindset. By investing in these relationships, we aim to not only address immediate spiritual needs but to cultivate an environment where growth and transformation can flourish.

Global Strategic Partners

In our journey to touch every corner of the world, we embrace the strength found in unity. Partnering with nationals, we delve into the heart of regions worldwide, investing jointly in the work that God is orchestrating in their lands. This approach not only amplifies our impact but ensures that our efforts are culturally relevant and deeply embedded within the community fabric. We have a passion to see discipleship in a brand new light around the globe.

Our Missions Partners

Our reach into the local community is driven by building long-term relationships. We believe that greater relational depth leads to more opportunities for spiritual conversation and life change.

We encourage every Christ-follower to see themselves as missionaries willing to see, hear, and know the people that God puts in our path. This means that wherever we are (where we live, work, and play), we are attentive to the opportunities that God gives.

In addition to being indigenous missionaries where we live, work and play, we also point to strategic ministry partners and humanitarian/compassion ministries for those who want to join their efforts.

Here are some of the organizations that we recognize:

Global/ National Outreach

360 partners with individuals and organizations throughout the US and around the world. These partners have a shared vision and strategy of impacting the culture through one-to-one discipleship and acts of compassions.

Our global approach is to partner with nationals as we jointly invest in the work of their region of the world. Within the US, we align with strategic partners who share the same passion for impacting the culture through the impact of disciple-making at a one-to-one level.
From our corner to the corners of the world, our one-to-one approach (smallcircle) is now catalyzing life-change in every state of the US and in over half the countries around the world. Here is a list of our national and global partners:



  • Jim Childs, USA
  • Joel Mapesa, Kenya
  • Alexandr Parfenk, Ukraine
  • Milan Sen, Nepal
  • Marco Gaspar, Portugal
  • Julio Machado, Cuba
  • Isiko Charles, Uganda
  • Yazan Milkonian, Middle East
  • Name withheld, India
  • Penao Konyak, India
  • Reverend James Roy, Bangladesh
  • Alain Irankunda, Rwanda
  • Chris Beignaar, South Africa
  • Tateos Nigohosyan, Bulgaria
  • Hunter Deng, China
  • Yoshi Daniel, Japan
  • Daniel Rodriguez, Dominican Republic
  • Courtney Richards, Jamaica
  • Carlos Mendivelso, Columbia
  • Rodolfo Jaen, Panama
  • Rath Bunsam, Cambodia
  • Sanita Auseja, Ireland
  • Charlie Costa, Lebanon