20 Apr, Sunday
15 Jun, Sunday


Chinese Ministry

Embrace Faith and Community: Discover Our Vibrant Chinese Ministry at 360 Church

中文事工 但愿赐忍耐安慰的神,叫你们彼此同心,效法基督耶稣。一心一口,荣耀神,我们主耶稣基督的 父。(罗马书15:5-6) 同心团契因神的呼召于2018年10月成立,当前属于美国360 Church 的华人事工。团契的两位带 领人因主的呼召当前正于福音派神学院就读,Michael 就读于Gordon-Conwell 神学院,Liya 就读 于美南浸信会Midwestern神学院。我们的团契旨在建立一个同行天路传扬福音的坚定战队,一个 在主耶稣基督里同心合一彼此关爱的温馨大家庭, 并专注于用圣经真理对儿童和青少年的教导 及引领。如果您渴望认识主,跟随主,热诚欢迎您加入我们!

May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 15:5-6) 


  • 福音入门: 基督教基本教义。
  • 初信造就: 初信者与神的相遇。
  • 一对一门徒培训: 个性化的灵命指导。 
  • 三人读经小组: 小组读经。 
  • 查经应用: 深入查考圣经及实际应用。
  • 祷告小组: 定期祷告会。
  • 青少年周六查经: 针对青少年的查经课程。
  • 华人节日庆祝: 文化和基督教节日庆祝及外展活动。 请在活动标签下查看每个项目的详细信息

Established in October 2018 in response to God’s calling, our Chinese Ministry is part of 360 Church. It is led by Michael, who studies at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and Liya, who studies at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. 

Our mission is to build a steadfast team committed to walking the heavenly path and spreading the gospel, creating a warm and loving family united in Jesus Christ, and focusing on teaching and guiding children and teenagers with biblical truth. If you seek to know and follow the Lord, we warmly welcome you to join us!


New to our Chinese Ministry?

请前往客人接待处,我们的志愿者将很乐意为您联系中文事工团队的成员。您 也可以电邮我们以获取更多信息

Stop by Guest Services so one of our volunteers can connect you to one of the Chinese Team members.
If you have additional questions, please email us using the button below.

Chinese Ministry Team
