Supporting Our Strategic Ministry Partners
From Our Corner to the Corners of the World: Our mission flows from a deep conviction to build meaningful, relational connections with those God places in our path—both near and far. Inspired by the Great Commission, we are passionate about partnering with others to bring hope, healing, and the message of Christ from our local community to the farthest reaches of the globe.
We are proud to stand alongside both local and global missions partners who share this vision. We encourage you to learn more about these incredible ministries and support their work by visiting their websites directly. Together, we can make an eternal impact, one relationship at a time.
Tools to guide and personalize disciple-making.
SmallCircle, a ministry birthed from 360 Church, is transforming lives globally by equipping believers with no-coast, one-to-one discipleship tools and training in over 60 languages. Currently impacting more than 145 countries, SmallCircle empowers deep, life-changing relationships that reflect the heart of Jesus’ mission. As a church family, we have the unique opportunity to support this incredible ministry, ensuring that people around the world have access to these valuable resources.
ABWE - Jim & Donna Childs
Support Jim & Donna Childs and ABWE in spreading the gospel worldwide.
ABWE (Association of Baptists for World Evangelism) is a global family of ministries committed to fulfilling the Great Commission by multiplying leaders, planting churches, and igniting missions movements among every people group. At 360 Church, we are especially excited to support one of our own, Jim Childs, who has answered God’s call to serve full-time through ABWE. Jim’s dedication to spreading the gospel and making disciples is an extension of our church’s mission to impact the world for Christ. We encourage our church family to pray for Jim and his ministry and consider supporting Jim and Donna Childs through ABWE as they continue their vital work in reaching the nations with the hope of Jesus.
Learn more about how you can partner with us to help your church family.
CityCommit is a Sarasota-based ministry dedicated to transforming communities by fostering authentic relationships among men through biblically-based micro-groups and local leadership events. Since its inception in 2011, CityCommit has expanded to over 50 locations, engaging 600-800 men weekly.  Their mission aligns with our church’s vision of relational intentionality, making them a valued strategic ministry partner. We encourage our congregation to support CityCommit.

Equipping churches to bring His love and hope to lost and broken-hearted people.
LoveServes trains pastors to understand that their role is “… to equip his people (church members) for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up (Ephesians 4:12).” LoveServes trained churches are outwardly focused – loving their neighbors by helping meet their physical, emotional and spiritual needs. That awakens those in the community who are spiritually dead to see and receive the love of Christ and become disciples who make disciples who make disciples!
Here's how we support our ministry partners:
-Promote their work in our weekly church-wide email newsletters.
-Invite partners to share live, on-stage updates with our church family.
-Dedicate over 12% of our annual church budget directly to their ministries.
-Highlight their ministries on our church website.
-Partner with them by sending teams to serve in projects they guide.
-Pray regularly for their work and impact.