Frequently Asked Questions

How often do groups meet?

Groups meet every other week, allowing participants the flexibility to engage in one-to-one discipleship through SmallCircle on the alternate weeks

Group leaders are required to have gone through Xchange, the core of the SmallCircle discipleship journey. They should be consistent, faithful, and model giving back to the Lord financially. They should be teachable, team players, and willing to be transparent and vulnerable. Leaders should have the courage to have difficult conversations, encourage group members to engage in personal discipleship through SmallCircle. If they are leading a Connect Group they should be committed to infusing the provided weekly group questions into their group time.

Encourage open and respectful dialogue by asking open-ended questions and inviting everyone to share their thoughts. Create a safe space for sharing by setting ground rules for respectful communication, active listening, and confidentiality.

Each group leader is assigned a Groups and Discipleship Coach as a resource for guidance, advice, and support.

Set clear expectations for confidentiality, respect, and support at the beginning of each meeting. Encourage group members to practice empathy, active listening, and avoid judgment or unsolicited advice. Remind members that the group is a place of trust, care, and encouragement.

For Connect Groups the ideal group size is 10-14 participants. If a group becomes too large, consider breaking it into multiple discussion groups for more intimate and focused conversations then return together for time of community.

Encourage open communication and active listening to resolve conflicts. If necessary, involve your Groups and Discipleship Coach for guidance and support in addressing any issues that may arise.

While there isn’t a strict format, group leaders should use at least some of the provided group handout questions to guide discussions, even if they choose to supplement the group time with additional study material. Group leaders should also make time for prayer and create a safe environment for sharing personal experiences and insights.

Begin and end your meetings with prayer, inviting God’s presence and guidance into your time together. Encourage group members to share their prayer requests and praises, and allot time for group members to pray for one another. You can also consider breaking into smaller groups for more intimate prayer sessions.

The group handout questions are designed to help guide your discussion and keep it focused on the topic at hand. Use the questions as a starting point, but feel free to adapt or expand on them as needed to meet the needs of your group members and maintain a natural, engaging conversation.

You can share personal testimonies of how SmallCircle has impacted your own spiritual journey, emphasizing the benefits of individualized discipleship. Additionally, remind group participants that being involved in both a group and a one-to-one discipleship relationship provides a more well-rounded spiritual experience.
